Pottery The ceramic art workshop offers activities for adults, children, and families, covering techniques such as hand-building, wheel-throwing, surface decoration, and glazing. In a relaxed and easy-going atmosphere, participants can unleash their creativity, explore the charm of clay, and experience the therapeutic energy in the making. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced
creator, you can find a suitable space here to fully
develop your artistic potential and enjoy the pleasure of
creation. 陶藝工作坊為成人、兒童和家庭提供活動,涵蓋手捏製作、拉坯、彩繪和施釉等。 在輕鬆、隨和的氛圍中,參加者可以發揮自己的創造力,探索陶土 的魅力,體驗製作過程中的療癒能量。 無論您是初學者還是經驗豐富的創作者,您都可以在這裡找到合適 的空間,充分發揮您的藝術潛力,享受創作的樂趣。 |
Felting in love Discover the Timeless Art of Creating Textiles Immerse yourself in the
captivating world of felting, an ancient textile technique
that predates the invention of weaving. In this workshop,
you'll have the opportunity to explore the rich history
and the relevance of felting, from its origins as
potentially the first fabric developed by humanity to its
contemporary applications as a sophisticated craft.
Through hands-on guidance, you'll learn the intricate
process of wet felting, using natural fibers, moisture,
and kneading to create your own unique, non-woven
textiles. Embrace the simplicity and creativity of this
age-old practice, and unlock your inner textile artist as
you delve into the captivating world of felt-making.
SAORI Weaving: Embracing the Beauty of Imperfection Saori weaving is a unique and liberating approach to textile creation, emphasizing individuality, spontaneity, and the beauty of imperfection. In this workshop, participants will explore the Saori philosophy, which encourages self-expression and the celebration of the unique character of each handwoven piece. Through the use of specialized SAORI looms and a wide array of vibrant yarns, attendees will learn to create one-of-a-kind textiles that reflect their personal creativity and emotional connections. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced weaver, the Saori method invites you to let go of rigid patterns and embrace the joy of the weaving process, resulting in truly distinctive and meaningful creations. SAORI 紗鷗麗編織: 擁抱不完美之 美 Saori 編織是一種獨特且自由的紡 織品創作方法,強調個性、自發性和不完美之美。在本次研討會上,參 與者將探索 Saori 哲學,即鼓勵自我表達和慶祝每件手工編織品的獨特特徵。透過使用專門的 SAORI織機和各種充滿活力的紗 線,您將學習到創造獨一無二的紡織品,以反映您的個人創造力和 情感聯繫。無論您是初學者還是經驗豐富的編織者,Saori 方法都會邀請您放下僵化的圖案,擁抱編織過程的樂趣,從而創造出真正獨特且有意義的作品。 |
Art Cocktail (mix media)
在這個動態的跨媒介視覺藝術即興創作工作坊中,釋放你的創意潛能!參加者將探索多種藝術媒介,包括繪畫、素描、拼貼和混合媒介。在經驗豐富的導師指導下,你將學會如何無縫結合不同的技術和材料,創作出獨特且富有表現力的藝術作品。 工作坊亮點 ** 自由互動的想法交流,鼓勵實驗和冒險。 ** 發掘如何融合多項藝術形式,提升你的創作技巧。 ** 將觸感材料融入你的創作,為作品增加深度和質感。 無論你是資深藝術家還是初學者,這個沉浸式的體驗將挑戰你走出舒適區,突破創意的界限,並加深對藝術創作過程的理解。釋放你的藝術聲音,展開這段充滿活力的跨媒介視覺藝術即興創作之旅! |